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Patient cases in heart failure – experience in German cardiology center.

Передача из цикла Шахматные партии 2.0

Patient cases in heart failure – experience in German cardiology center.

Chronic heart failure (CHF ) is one of the most difficult medical and social problems in the world. Professor Dr. Michael Böhm Chief of Cardiology at the University of the Saarland in Homburg/Saar in Germany will share with us  the experience in management of patients with heart failure in the center of cardiology  in Germany During the  program interesting clinical cases , tactics and safety issues of this category of patients with CHF will be discussed

Speaker: Professor Dr. Michael Böhm ( Homburg / Saar, Germany)

Moderator: Professor  Sergey R. Gilarevsky (Moscow, Russian Federation)

27 April 2016 14:00-15:00 (Moscow time)

Russian  broadcast (перейти к трансляции на русском языке) 

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